Saturday, August 06, 2016

POST #1 - I'm Back!!!

I took the last 5 years off focusing on other of lifes pursuits.  Like the song by John Lennon, I chose to sit back and watch the wheels go round and round.  I admit I was lazy, but I was also tired of the entrenched and inflexible positions of the masses.  Aaron Sorkin once wrote in his screenplay for the movie The American President and I paraphrase, "freedom is allowing a person at the top of his lungs to profess that which you would spend a lifetime fighting against."  Now I dont think Mr. Sorkin is any type of genius, but he got that concept correct even if by accident.  A concept the democrats would like to quelch with their attack on conservative talk radio.  Oh, for clarification I lean towards fiscal conservatism and adherance to the Constitution as it was written.  I don't subscribe to trying to redefine the meaning of words with modern definitions.  I prefer to use the original meaning as outlined in their original meaning and the viewpoints of our founding fathers as outlined in the various states ratification letters for the Constitution.  A viewpoint few are willing to research.

Our current election cycle has done nothing to indicate to inspire me.  There are some 320,000,000 Americans and the best we can come up with is Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump?  We are doomed like the Roman Empire, Ancient Egypt or the Chinese Dynasties.  The more advanced our society gets the dumber we get.  The concept of intellectual debate and compromise is lost to hyperbole and polarized positions.  Who cares if the Sword of Damocles is perched above our heads by a single threat of hair.

There is no such thing as mainstream radio anymore.  Just stations, channels, hosts and programs that lean to the left or right.  The concept of impartial reporting is a myth and as ellusive as a modern day unicorn.  Reporting is now defined as means of indoctrination of the masses and a means of delivering talking points to support  the points of view of those wanting to be in control.

So, here we go again.  I will most likely offend some who can't accept alternative viewpoints.  If I do, my only advise is to say, "Get a life!  Oh, and get laid even if you have to pay for it as clearly you need to unwind."

So keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times.  We are cleared for launch..."


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