Thursday, November 10, 2016

POST #6 - Presidential Election

The morning after the Presidential Election, the sun rose in the East, my alarm clock went off at 6am, I was obviously still alive the world still rotated around the sun and the birds were chirping happily.  It was just another bright sunny day like the day before.  I checked Facebook and couldn't believe my eyes.  It was like an apocalypse and there was human carnage strewn about.  Let me clarify, I already knew Donald Trump had won the election the night before.  The horror for me was sitting in the voting booth being forced to select between Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump.  Seriously WTF America, is this the best we have?  How did so many Americans vote for these two pathetic excuses for human beings?  The shock was the reaction of so many people to the news of a Donald Trump presidency.  

I couldn't believe the display of narcissism so many of you put on was utterly ridiculous.  The thought of either one of those two candidates being elected reads like an episode of American Horror Story.  There was no good option between them and to say otherwise is an attempt to lie to yourself.  You need only watch the Alfred Smith Memorial Fund Dinner video to realize how truly mean and vicious these two pieces of excrement are.  The event was meant to be a good natured roast after the final debate.  It was anything but good natured or fun.  These two candidates displayed how un-presidential and in my opinion how uncivilized, unprofessional and an utter lack of character they both suffered from.

Let's get back to the narcissism.  We all have heard the hateful, bigoted, sexist, racist and other deplorable comments made by Trump.  The man is a scourge we will now have to endure for the next 4 years.  Let me repeat, "WE" will endure.  Our society faces a huge test and we will need to pull together tio get through it.  Sadly, all I am seeing is a long parade of posts from people who are distraught, sobbing in bed, whining about not knowing what to say or do and telling others they could never understand how deeply traumatized they are.  Oh yeah and telling me I could never understand as I am a white male.  Actually, I am half Puerto Rican you self centered douche bag.  Grow the fuck up America.  Suck it up and get your ass up and stop wallowing in your pools of self pity.  This isn't about you so cancel the pity party.  It is about our nation getting through this train wreck as quickly and smoothly as possible.  

We allowed this situation to happen and we must now accept the blame.  We had our chance to select better quality candidates but were too busy trying to satisfy our self interests and not what was best for all Americans.  Get up and tell your children you and everyone else screwed up and teach them not to make the same mistakes.  What did you really expect was going to happen?Stop throwing this collective temper tantrum.

Our society has lost all concept of how to interact in a civil, respectful and cordial manner.  People have taken to living in the extremes and refuse to consider even the smallest degree of moderation.  There is no room for compromise in this internet driven society.  When there is this much rigidity, venom, anger and condescending behavior, you can only expect to have polar opposite views.  When your positions becomes this extreme it is just a matter of time until it all falls apart.  We have nobody to blame but ourselves.  This is one shit sandwich we are all going to have to stand in line for and take a bite.

Our nation is great in part because we have elections and peaceful transition of power.  Well except for this time.  We are a couple months away from the inauguration and people are actually calling for his impeachment.  For the record he has to actually be in office before you can impeach him.  Didn't any of you pay attention in history or government classes?  Of course not, otherwise you might have a clue about the Electoral College and the protections it provides to our society.  If you had paid attention you wouldn't be making ignorant comments comparing the Electoral College to"Gerrymandering."  Try reading a book once in a while and learn about the how this system evolved from the Continental Convention and finally took it's current form during the 1880's.  Discover that it is used in other countries of the world and isn't some scheme by one American political party to screw the other.  Take the time to learn about the things in our Democratic Republic that seem to be wadding up your panties and causing you to be an insufferable whining baby.

We made our bed and now it is time to lie in it.  Let us at least act like adults until the nightmare is over.  He is our president and we have to hope and pray the past remains the past and he leads us with honor and integrity.  He needs to be the president for all of us and treat all of us with respect.  We need to do our part for the best interest of our country.  We ALL need to accept him as our president and hope and pray he does his job.


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